Oct 18, 2022  •  For Sale  •  26 Comments

Huge Land Rover Stash!

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The seller’s asking price of $460,000 might sound high for a group of old Land Rovers, but the seller has more than just a couple of cars. They are offering 37 of these British off-roaders, plus several storage containers of spare parts. The seller claims their stash is the largest collection of soft dash Range Rover Classic collections in the world. I’m not sure if that’s really the case or not, but I wouldn’t be surprised. Apparently, this hoard came about as a business to help the seller get through school, and now that they’ve graduated, it’s time to liquidate so they can focus on their new career. You can find this lot here on eBay in Orlando, Florida.

I’m sure the seller’s neighbors will be happy to see all these SUVs go, although the seller claims that they aren’t visible to the public (presumably to reassure that parts haven’t been stolen). Personally, I’d enjoy having this next door as long as the owner is willing to help me find a good Range Rover Classic and any parts needed to keep it road worthy! If you haven’t experienced a ’90s Range or Land Rover, they really are special vehicles to drive. There’s just something about climbing into one and setting off that always feels like you are heading out on an adventure. In good condition, they are surprisingly comfortable to drive and are incredibly capable off-road. The problem is finding one in good shape and getting all the parts to keep it that way. While there are tons of parts suppliers making mechanical bits to keep them on the road, certain interior parts and electronics are getting difficult to find. That might not be an issue for whoever buys this hoard of cars and parts!

While it looks like the bulk of the vehicles here are Range Rover Classics and Land Rover Discoverys, the seller does have a few Defenders, which are without a doubt the most desirable ones in the lot. Unfortunately, they are all projects, but they are desirable and valuable enough to justify giving them full restorations. The seller also notes that they are willing to sell individual cars from the collection and they have already sold a few of the cars, including one of the Defenders.

To have amassed this many Land Rovers, it seems like the seller’s business had to have been fairly successful. That being said, as time goes on it going to get more and more difficult to find cars to part out. Buying the entire lot really only makes sense for someone running a business, but if they are willing to sell individual vehicles and parts, this could be a great way to get a classic Landy to play with. If you were going to buy something from this lot, which would it be?

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  1. That Guy
    Oct 18, 2022 at 12:03pm

    The purpose of buying this entire inventory would be to make a profit, and I don’t see how anyone could turn a profit at that price. I would think the most likely buyer would be an existing Land Rover parts business, which would have to factor in the cost of transporting 37 dead cars and several shipping containers, then storing everything once they got it all back to their base. Off the top of my head I’m thinking about 1/3 of the asking price would be a realistic price for the entire lot.

    Like 15
  2. angliagt angliagtMember
    Oct 18, 2022 at 12:14pm

    I’m guessing that (if the owner’s still alive) the City/County
    gave them a deadline to clear all of this out.

    Like 7
  3. mike
    Oct 18, 2022 at 12:58pm

    Like to have one of the 110’s

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  4. DA
    Oct 18, 2022 at 1:15pm

    Good luck with this. 460K for a load of mostly non-running hulks will be a tough lift, and a long time for sale. 12,000.00 + per unit? I don’t think so. While a couple may be worth that (dubious), I seriously doubt it. Not one of them looks like it has decent paint; I can only imagine what some of the frames look like, and some are in various states of disassembly.

    The Freelander with 86K is only useful as a planter. Best to split this up and hope for the best, nobody is retiring from this LR breaker yard.

    Like 9
  5. Tim K
    Oct 18, 2022 at 2:09pm

    I had a ‘97 Discovery. I think they came up with that name because every time I drove it, I “Discovered” something else had broken.

    Like 24
    • Solosolo UK SolosoloMember
      Oct 19, 2022 at 9:46am

      The and Rover is consistently voted UK’s worst car for breakdowns year on year.

      Like 7
  6. Mark
    Oct 18, 2022 at 2:30pm

    Hard to see how buying & storing this many cars was a successful business that got the seller through college. Doesn’t add up.

    Like 8
  7. gaspumpchas
    Oct 18, 2022 at 3:22pm

    Never buy anything with the word “Rover” in the name.

    Like 5
  8. creamy
    Oct 18, 2022 at 3:42pm

    parts for british cars could be lucrative, but storage while they are in school seems like it would be an issue unless they had land of their own.

    Anecdotally, i came across this guy while window shopping land cruisers on fb marketplace a while back, he was selling a new 21/22 110 defender with 7,000 miles and he wanted over sticker for it. I know the car market went mentally insane within the past 2 years, but I can’t understand paying over sticker for a used vehicle, when the vehicle is still in production.

    I would say the guy is on drugs, but if this was his business, he was at least making enough to take home a new defender, whether that be outright or financed.

    Out of curiosity i estimated what i think the lot is worth and i came up with ~$150k-200k assuming the classics go for 4k each +/- based on condition, but everything is rough, the 90 roller going for $7,500, the 2 110s at $10k ea, and the 2 130s at 20k ea. the “chop top” might bring 10k to the right buyer, and whatever scrap value is for the other assembled vehicles, and maybe 5-10k in loose parts. i would consider that a fairly reasonable estimate in my eyes, if not a little generous in some areas, but not near the $460k ask.

    Like 10
  9. Paul Grasso
    Oct 18, 2022 at 7:12pm

    Having owner a ’59 and an ’06 I’d take all the defenders and pray someone wants the others.
    460K, now that’s funny…

    Like 5
  10. jsmk
    Oct 19, 2022 at 9:25am

    Probably enough parts there to make one good running Land Rover… not likely to stay that way for long though.

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  11. Peter k
    Oct 19, 2022 at 9:39am

    These people selling this project are using the basic business model on starting high snd then working it down to a realistic price. Given what scrap steel goes for these days, and provided they have titles for everyone of them, I’m thinking that $60-80k is being reasonable . $460k is a dreamers fantasy

    Like 1
  12. Paterson Guy
    Oct 19, 2022 at 9:41am

    Given it’s Orlando, could there be water damage post Hurricane Ian as well?

    Like 3
  13. Troy
    Oct 19, 2022 at 9:56am

    Translation: wife says I’m tired of our house looking like a junk yard you need to get rid of that stuff. Seller: ok honey I will post it for sale but if it doesn’t sell I get to keep it.

    Like 3
    • Jeremy
      Oct 19, 2022 at 11:30am

      I’ve been using that excuse for years with my wife:)

      Like 3
  14. Greg A
    Oct 19, 2022 at 9:56am

    Once the seller gets real, this is going to be an on-site liquidation auction. The market for all these as one lot is pretty much zero.

    Like 4
  15. Bob the: “ICEMAN”
    Oct 19, 2022 at 10:12am

    British car = Land Rover = lack of reliability = costly repairs = costly maintenance = outdated technology = Lucas electrical systems, (better known as the “ Prince of Darkness”. As far as those cars being a source of parts I would consider them viable as a source of body parts such as fenders, hoods, doors & back hatches. I wouldn’t dream of parting out electrical or mechanical systems. Could make coffee tables out of the engines. My estimated value per vehicle is $800.00. Also consider transport of the whole mess to your location, cost of storing them while you wait for potential customers/repair shops to purchase the needed. Now if they were Toyota Land Cruisers of the same vintage it would be a different story but not for nearly half a Million.

    Like 0
    • Jesse Mortensen Jesse MortensenStaff
      Oct 21, 2022 at 12:18am

      @Bob the: “ICEMAN” – You might want to do a little more research before repeating all the stereotypes. There are tons of Range Rover Classics still running around with over 200k miles on the original engine. They aren’t as complicated as later rigs and that “coffee table” engine was actually a Buick design.

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  16. Jonathan Q Higgins
    Oct 19, 2022 at 11:14am

    That lot has got to be a super fund site with all those Rovers leaking everywhere.

    Like 2
  17. Motorcityman
    Oct 19, 2022 at 11:16am

    Gotta be a HUGE market for all those parts…….one of the worst money pit vehicles EVER!!

    Like 3
  18. Howie
    Oct 19, 2022 at 11:39am

    Looks like they are willing to sell them separately, has a sold list at the bottom of their ad.

    Like 2
  19. Glenn ReynoldsMember
    Oct 19, 2022 at 2:52pm

    Back when MGB’s were worthless, a guy in the mid-west started collecting them. He said he didn’t pay anything for most of them. Just offered to remove them for free if he saw any languishing in someone’s yard. He planned to open a used parts business when he retired. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s how most of these British duds were collected.

    Like 1
  20. RMac
    Oct 19, 2022 at 2:56pm

    60’s and 70’s are classics and go for bucks 80’s up are disasters highest depreciation rate for any make for a reason you need 37 to keep one running I have had a couple – never again and that is the response I hear from almost everyone that ever tried to use one as a daily driver
    You may “feel like you are on and adventure” when you sit in one but the real adventure is usually will I make it home
    Ask jimmy fallon took his to the beach and had to be towed home LOL

    Like 2
  21. Gordon Thomas
    Oct 19, 2022 at 7:07pm

    Oh boy! Do I get to have all the worthless junk parts in the pictures too? He still my beating heart. Almost feels like I won the lottery! NOT!!

    Like 1
  22. Doug McCausland
    Oct 20, 2022 at 6:04am

    It would probably take more than this to get one good one. Land Rover gives the car business a bad name. If I was the owner, I would be glad to get 7 cents a pound.

    Like 1
  23. RMac
    Oct 21, 2022 at 2:35pm

    While I agree with you on the engines the reliability issues on land rovers is terrible and why the depreciation is so big and fast
    Had and old defender and it was cool but if I did not wrench myself it would not be worth the trouble then got a Range Rover and it was abysmal and everyone I know that has had one as a daily driver felt the same these are toys for the rich who can afford high maintenance and repairs and want to be seen not like a land cruiser or jeep

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