Sep 28, 2023  •  Auctions  •  23 Comments

BF Auction: No Reserve British Sports Car Parts Stash

Sold for $4,200View Result

Occasionally, a parts collection will emerge where the sheer scope of what is offered is breathtaking. Such is the case with this assortment of classic British sports car components. The late owner was a genuine enthusiast, and his recent passing means everything must go to settle his estate. It appears every original part is there for the six cars that have been dismantled, and the collection includes an array of new items. The seller has listed everything as a single lot with us as a No Reserve Barn Finds Auctions.

Okay, it’s time to break it down to establish what this collection offers potential buyers. The late owner dismantled three Austin-Healeys, and it appears that at least two were the desirable 100/6 versions. There are also two MG TDs and an MG TC. The photos suggest everything is there, and almost all parts could be reused or restored. Some body panels have succumbed to rust, although the dry local climate has preserved most of the classic steel. There is surface corrosion on many parts that have spent time outside. However, I believe most will respond favorably to media blasting. The frames for all six cars are present, and those stored in the shipping container and barn will require only minor surface preparation before being treated to a repaint.

Most of this parts collection is in dry storage, with items hanging on the wall or stacked on shelves. Some panels retain their original paint, while others have been stripped to bare metal. One thing that strikes me is the lack of Bondo or evidence of prior repairs on the panels. It all appears to be genuine steel, which is a bonus for those seeking faithful restorations. The top frames and side curtains are intact, as are most of the wheels and trim items. A shiny new set of wire wheels is squirreled away on one of the shelves, still in their boxes. Other new components make this a treasure trove for British car enthusiasts.

The photos indicate that the engines for all six cars are present, with one still sitting in its original location. This six is from one of the Healeys, and its manual transmission remains bolted to its rear. The late owner dismantled some powerplants, although the cylinder heads and peripheral items are present. There is a selection of transmissions, rear ends, suspension components, brakes, and wiring harnesses. The winning bidder also scores a couple of sparkling new radiators that have never seen action.

This collection of classic British sports car parts is so extensive I have only scratched the surface. Many items could be restored and reused, leaving the possibility that several of these classics could be returned to active service as an achievable long-term goal. That raises a scenario that some might find irresistible. The winning bidder could restore at least one of these cars, allowing it to find its rightful place on our roads. Selling the remaining parts would help fund the build, and they may even be able to turn a profit on the venture. I concede it would be a significant undertaking, but it could be the most affordable way to park a desirable Austin-Healey or MG in your garage. It is a point worth pondering. Meanwhile, scroll through the image gallery to see whether you could make that dream a reality.

Bid On This Auction

Sold for: $4,200
Register To Bid
Ended: Oct 6, 2023 11:12am MDT
Winner: Best Constructors
  • Best Constructors bid $4,200.00  2023-10-06 11:09:01
  • Carnt5567
    bid $4,100.00  2023-10-06 11:06:18
  • Best Constructors bid $4,000.00  2023-10-06 11:05:19
  • Carnt5567 bid $3,600.00  2023-10-06 11:04:42
  • Best Constructors
    bid $3,500.00  2023-10-06 11:04:34
  • Carnt5567 bid $3,400.00  2023-10-06 11:04:03
  • Best Constructors bid $3,300.00  2023-10-06 11:03:52
  • Mike
    bid $3,200.00  2023-10-06 11:03:22
  • Best Constructors bid $3,100.00  2023-10-06 11:01:37
  • Mike bid $2,850.00  2023-10-06 11:01:06
  • Best Constructors
    bid $2,750.00  2023-10-06 10:58:26
  • Mike bid $2,600.00  2023-10-06 10:54:26
  • Best Constructors bid $2,500.00  2023-10-06 10:07:31
  • Mike
    bid $2,100.00  2023-10-06 10:01:41
  • Best Constructors bid $2,000.00  2023-10-06 08:45:49
  • Carnt5567 bid $1,500.00  2023-10-05 15:29:05
  • Cadillacdieter
    bid $1,200.00  2023-10-05 01:26:15
  • Tbadz bid $1,000.00  2023-10-04 20:30:29
  • Byron pro-v1 bid $900.00  2023-10-04 18:30:21
  • Tbadz
    bid $800.00  2023-10-04 18:18:36
  • Byron pro-v1 bid $700.00  2023-10-04 15:25:52
  • macaw bid $600.00  2023-10-04 10:05:50
  • Tbadz
    bid $500.00  2023-10-03 18:50:40
  • Byron pro-v1 bid $400.00  2023-10-03 07:27:34
  • Fattirefan bid $300.00  2023-10-02 21:54:38
  • Tbadz
    bid $200.00  2023-10-02 21:52:53
  • Cadillacdieter bid $100.00  2023-10-02 10:50:13

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  1. gippy
    Sep 28, 2023 at 11:06am

    Aaaargh- No doubt this was one of those places where you would offer to buy one of them and be met with the jaw clenching response-
    ” Not for sale-I’m gonna fix ‘er up one day”

    Like 19
    • Mike
      Sep 28, 2023 at 11:51am

      I hear you Gippy. I use to be “that guy” with a few very desirable motorcycles telling people for a decade “sorry, not for sale. Going to fix them up”. A guy that restored a few things for me in the past told me that he was thinking of retiring and if I want to get those bike done, I better get off my a$$, send all the parts to him and really start looking for missing items. It was a very intense year and a half. Now both bikes are done and of course, I said to myself “why didn’t I do this sooner?” Please don’t be “that guy”. Get your projects done.

      Like 23
      • angliagt angliagtMember
        Sep 28, 2023 at 7:06pm

        Or sell them to someone who will.

        Like 8
  2. Fred
    Sep 28, 2023 at 11:53am

    My dad sold his TD and bought a100-6. Too young to remember riding in the MG but the Healey had the little seats my sister and I could squeeze into. My grandfather had a TC he sold to buy a 100-4. Great memories. Hope a few of these hit the road again some day.

    Like 10
  3. Terry
    Sep 28, 2023 at 1:18pm

    I guess the late owner could be called an enthusiast in that he enthusiastically took every car completely apart.
    But I can’t imagine a British car enthusiast leaving them to rot in the weather for God knows how long. Sorry.
    Condolences to his family.

    Like 3
  4. bobhess bobhessMember
    Sep 28, 2023 at 3:39pm

    Lot of money and lot of parts sitting there. I understand auctions but I’m surprised the sellers didn’t hire someone to inventory the parts and give them a price for all of it. Several restoration shops here and abroad that would love to have this find.

    Like 6
    • eric22t
      Sep 29, 2023 at 7:59am

      in all probability bob, it’s because that would entail spending money and delaying the settling of the estate. you could also include squabbling siblings in that mix. not saying that’s the case here but i have seen it closer to home in the past.

      Like 6
  5. Big C
    Sep 29, 2023 at 8:56am

    Sort of like buying six giant jigsaw puzzles all mixed together.

    Like 4
  6. Joe T
    Sep 29, 2023 at 9:36am

    The steel wheels shown in the later pictures appear to be later VW air-cooled wheels. The 165r15 tires and 4 bolt pattern are a giveaway.

    Like 1
  7. Jack Quantrill
    Sep 29, 2023 at 9:47am

    Who knows what lurks in the heart of the countryside? The Shadow knows!

    Like 3
  8. MG Steve
    Sep 29, 2023 at 9:50am

    Something here does not seem right. Certainly the name “British Sports Cars” is about as generic as it can get, and I suppose there could be two companies in San Luis Obispo (SLO) with the same name. That said, the very respected, long-established British Sports Cars on Marsh St in SLO, still appears to be in business. Their place is always spotlessly clean and organized. I just can not align these photos, w/the dirt floor, with what I know of the long-established British Sports Cars. Could be lots of explanations, for sure, but I am just a bit concerned.

    Like 2
  9. Martin Horrocks
    Sep 29, 2023 at 10:56am

    I always thought 100-6 was the least desirable Healey. Lacks the elegance and character of a 100/4 and was quickly upgraded into 3000 MK1.

    So relatively rare because of a short production run prior to correcting some things which weren´t quite right.

    Anyway, these cars aren´t to quibble over detail!

    Like 2
    • bobhess bobhessMember
      Sep 29, 2023 at 3:51pm

      I’ve always liked the 100 6 because it had all the charm of the 100 4s. Almost grabbed one right after I sold my second 100 4. Either way, worth saving.

      Like 0
    • Jimbosidecar
      Oct 4, 2023 at 10:22am

      I kinda agree with you except for the very limited production run of the 3 carb 2 seater 100-6. In high school I had a 100.4. I was sitting on the side of the road waiting for it to cool down when a fellow stopped to see if I needed any help. And he was driving that 100-6 with the tri carb and just 2 seats. He helped me get it to his house where he has a couple other Healeys in his garage. He helped solve my problem of an over heating motor and then offered to trade me his 100-6 for my 100.4. I should have taken him up on the trade, as a few months later I spun a bearing and had to park my car for a long time looking for replacement bearings.

      Like 1
  10. Angel_Cadillac_Diva Angel Cadillac DivaMember
    Sep 29, 2023 at 11:44am

    Wow! No one has mentioned the 1963, or ’64 or ’65 Buick Riviera in the background of the first picture. I’d be more interested in that.

    Like 2
  11. dogwater
    Sep 29, 2023 at 12:20pm

    JUNK pop cans

    Like 1
  12. Jeff
    Sep 29, 2023 at 12:46pm

    Are the sellers going to pack it all up and make the lot shippable?

    Like 1
  13. Steve RM
    Sep 29, 2023 at 1:55pm

    WOW !!! Why would someone take 6 cars apart and scatter and mix and match everything in “storage”. It’s going to take the right person to sort all of this out. I suppose the right person could make a parts business out of this but they’re going to have to have a lot of knowledge and be being willing to invest a LOT of time. I hope someone can take this on.

    Like 0
    • Jimbosidecar
      Oct 4, 2023 at 10:25am

      I attended a motorcycle estate auction years ago in Cuba, MO. The seller had hundreds of old motorcycles each one taken apart and scattered in several barns and shed. I asked myself the same question. Why not put them back together one by one after you dismantle them instead of dismantling them all and never even putting one back together.

      Like 1
  14. Tom Lange
    Sep 29, 2023 at 4:36pm

    IMHO, the very WORST thing a sports car owner can do is disassemble a car, much less multiple cars. The more cars you disassemble, exponentially the fewer cars ever stand a chance of ever being reassembled or restored.

    Someone who knows Healey’s will probably buy this for $15,000, and sell the TC, or the MG pieces to someone else as a package. In the past year I have turned down three TC cars in this disassembled or dismantled form, each costing less than $5,000. FAR too much will be missing to reasonably be able to put a running TC together.

    Like 1
  15. Jim Muise
    Oct 1, 2023 at 9:18am

    Years ago a restoration collector on TV came across a large collection of about 85 cars all of which were missing important parts like engines transmissions etc .The 83 year old owner said nothing is for sale because I plan to get most or all of these cars back on the road in good working order. I thought here is a true optomist who plans to live until he is 200 !


    Like 7
    • Little_Cars Little_Cars
      Oct 2, 2023 at 7:04am

      That’s why shows like American Pickers are so popular. When you come up against someone like that–adamant that they will get to everything one day–throw a little money their way (and some TV exposure) and all of a sudden the host has his rollback in their driveway pulling a prize out into the sun. There is a fine line between sports car “enthusiast” and hoarder. This story seems to be repeating itself these days. I may very well be one of the latter if I don’t start breaking out the wrenches on my Corvairs and MGs.

      Like 3
  16. George Birth
    Oct 1, 2023 at 11:21am


    I agree with big C, this is a massive jigsaw puzzle, add to that the cost of packing all the items, labeling them, shipping them and then trying to assemble any of them and then you can figure what a massive pain you have purchased. The pain comes from finding all the proper nuts and bolts and hinges or motor mounts etc.. I would not take this one on for $100 bucks an hour!!!

    Like 3

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